International Lawyers – Bukh Global Partners

Katrina as the fed’s Enron

Katrina as the fed’s Enron

While I’ve been down on Sarbanes-Oxley (see my Sarbox archive, and this summary) maybe I’ve got the whole thing wrong. Maybe we should keep SOX and apply it to the federal government. 

This W$J roundup of Katrina screwups left me wondering what the SEC would do under the SOX 404 internal controls provision if we had been similarly surprised by the performance of a private company (think Enron). Of course it’s not all the feds, but I pick on the feds because, after all, they enacted SOX. 

Consider the federal government’s nondisclosure of the following internal controls failures:

I wonder if we’ll see the sort of government response to this mess that we saw to Enron.

Originally posted by Prof. Larry Ribstein on Ideoblog